Sunday, April 13, 2014

Teasers, teasers and more teasers!

Let's start with EXO! They are going to comeback with the title track "Overdose" on the 15th. The song and the dance practice had been leaked already and it seems that they will be promoting as EXO-M and EXO-K. The song was composed by The Underdogs and Kenzie.
The boys look sexy and we really liked Suho and Sehun's teasers, but we're still not sure about the concept. As Sharo says, it looks like a male versión of SNSD's Mr.Mr.
Here are the teasers:
Let's continue with INFINITE:
Their comeback video was uploaded on March 1st, and they're supposed to have their comeback in April...wait, we're in the middle of April and there's no news about them! Where are the other teasers??!! I hope SM/Woolim aren't playing with us...
Well, whatever... here's the video (pretty impressive right?):
It was very surprising for almost everyone when Core announced that they were going to promote Jiyeon and Hyomin with solo activities. Why not Eunjung or Soyeon? Why the most hated members? I don't have answers for that, but I can tell you that Jiyeon is debuting with the track "1MIN 1 SEC", produced by Duble Sidecick (Sistar, K.Will, Girl's Day...) and coreographed by Bae Yoon Jung.
Finally Block B!
This guys has been through a lot, but they prove that they're going to be around for a while. Their comeback is going to be the 17th with "Jackpot" which seems to be promising.
Looks like my iPod is going to be filled with new music soon! Good luck to everyone! 

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  • Teasers, teasers and more teasers! Let's start with EXO! They are going to comeback with the title track "Overdose" on the 15th. The song and the dance practice had been leaked already and it seems that they will be promoting as EXO-M and EXO-K. The song wa… Read More

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