Friday, April 18, 2014

The battle of reality shows: EXO VS GOT7 VS B2ST VS Block B VS Jung sisters

Xoxo EXO:
  It will be releasing their second reality show after the success of "EXO Showtime". Xoxo Exo will be aired in Mnet, and it's going to be a reality show about their Overdose comeback.

I Got 7:
When I saw the image above, the first thing that came to my mind was "2PM Show", for those of you who haven't seen it I will show you some images:
I'm not crazy right? The resemblance it's definetely there. In first place, it's even the same shooting location. I know I should start thinking of GOT7 as a completely different group, but I think they are pushing their image as a "second 2PM" in a way I don't know whether to like it or not (I should do another post about their similarities). Of one thing I'm sure, it "I Got 7" is half as funny as "2PM Show" was, then its totally worth it! It will be aired on SBS MTV. The premiere was set to be in April 22 but it has been delayed.
Showtime- Burning the B2ST:
After a first season with "EXO Showtime", Showtime came back with Cube's B2ST. It is B2ST's first reality in 4 years! The first episode aired on April 10, but the second episode has been canceled for this week due to the sunken ferry tragedy.
The show centers on receiving a question from the viewers and personally answering it through varying methods. 
5 Minutes Before Chaos:
So far, the only reality show that doesn't have the group name for title. Their first episode also aired on April 10. I've only watched the trailers and they seem to be really hilarious! Here are some trailers, I know most of you will end with weird expression in your faces or will burst out laughing! Seriously: WTF?!
The Jung sisters are ready to show us their daily lives! Both of them are known for being fashionistas and for belonging to two of the biggest girl groups in K-POP (Jessica is part of SNSD and Krystal is a F(x) member, both of them are part of SM Entertainment). 
The show is supposed to start May 6. It's going to have 10 episodes and will air every Tuesday.




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