Friday, May 16, 2014


2PM and SNSD had have so much rumours of their members dating around them, that it was no surprise to find out one of the supposed couples turned out to be real. Here is a list of the most famous 9PM rumours, some may be true, but they're mostly fans inventions.


Taecyeon & Sunny:

When she was on Invencible Youth, she picked him as her ideal type in 2PM, she even got angry with Kara's Goo Hara when she chose him as well. They tweet each other once in a while, and she thanked him for listening to her radio program "FM Date".



Wooyoung & Hyoyeon:

Some years ago Hyoyeon confessed she liked another idol, she described him as "someone who doesn't have double eyelids, is humurous and dances well".


Taecyeon & Taeyeon:

When 2PM went to "Win Win", she was asked who was her favorite member, so she answered she was going to choose according to style, then she chose Taecyeon because she liked persons with natural styles and even said Taecyeon's old style pictures were ok.

Chansung & Seohyun:

Most of the interactions of the "maknae couple" were for Caribbean Bay's CF.



Wooyoung & Tiffany (WooFany):

Almost 5 years ago, there was a kind of "scandal" between Wooyoung and Tiffany because there were a lot of interactions between them at the MBC Gayo Daejun in 2009.


Taecyeon & Yuri:

This rumour is mostly from fanfics. He said he liked Yuri before Yoona.



Nichkhun & Yoona:

In an interview he said she was his ideal type because she ha a beautiful smile and he chose him over Siwon. They've been in several CFs and programs together.



Taecyeon & Yoona (Taecyoon):

Tacyeon is known for haveing a crush on Yoona since years ago. They seem to be close after appearing in the second season of Family Outing, doing Caribbean Bay CF together and several special stages.

Taecyeon & Jessica (Taecsica):

From the couples of this list, I think this is the one with more probabilities of being true. I'm 95% sure they were/are dating. They were caught together twice (once in Japan and onece in Korea); there are rumours of them two and Khunfany had a double date at a restaurant for holidays years ago. Also there was a post saying several celebrities were dating (they were spotted going to the movies together several times): Taecsica, SHINee's Jonghyun and Shin Se Kyung ; months later Jonghyun's relations was confirmed.


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